LIFE Matrix participates in the webinar “Wetlands as nature-based solutions” at the Green Week
Did you know that the global area occupied by wetlands has decreased by 35% from 1970 to 2015? Wetlands are great allies against climate change if they are well-preserved. These ecosystems are home to enormous biodiversity and offer ecosystem services such as water purification and carbon sequestration.
Although its use has begun to spread throughout the world, the truth is that its application in some countries is still not frequent. For this reason, various projects of the LIFE Programme of the European Union are working with natural and artificial wetlands to implement innovative solutions in the management and design of these spaces.
That is the case of LIFE Matrix, which recently participated in the webinar “Wetlands as nature-based solutions (NBS)” within the framework of the Green Week. Sara Espinosa, the coordinator of this project, presented the progress and bottlenecks of this initiative for the Managed Aquifers Recharge (MAR).

More than 570 viewers had the opportunity to learn more about this and other European projects that work with wetlands, such as LIFE Renaturwat, LIFE Intext and LIFE Wetlands4Climate. In her intervention, Sara detailed the artificial wetland designed for the LIFE Matrix recharge system.
Artificial wetlands technology takes advantage and optimizes the purification mechanisms of natural wetlands to treat residual or polluted water. There are different modalities according to the treatment needed to remove a wide variety of contaminants from water.
In addition, the artificial wetlands also contribute to improving aquatic and environmental biodiversity. This technology is included in the framework of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), which are those that use natural features, processes and elements to address socio-environmental challenges.
If you want to watch the webinar session, click here.
Do you want to know more about LIFE Matrix? Click here.
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